PhD positions. (2024 Fall or 2025 Winter)
Possible topics include (but not limited to):
- State observation and parameter estimation for nonlinear systems
- Scalable robotic estimation
- Infinite-dimensional control technique for soft continuum robots
- Koopman learning approaches
Eligibility. Both domestic and international students are eligible.
Candidate Requirements.
- Bachelor or Master degree in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics.
- Excellent English or French written and spoken communication skills; see here for additional details.
- It is desirable that candidates possess expertise in some areas, including control theory, robotics, applied mathematics, optimisation, computer programming, and electrical engineering.
If you are interested in these positions, please write to me with your CV, transcripts, and research interests.
Master students. There are open positions in my group for Fall 2024.
Postdoc positions. NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship